I read somewhere that this April was a month of change. So far, it has been SO in flux for me. The end of last month saw me leave my 8 month position at the job I won last year. Then my family showed up, then a best friend and then I got married (more on that soon)!! The weather is changing here too, coming into winter; the mornings and evenings are a bit cooler and the days can be unpredictable. I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt full of a little nervous energy inside for the last few weeks and am just trying to breathe through it all…and enjoy it. The last two days have been particularly strange, like the universe is bouncing me around like a rubber ball. Yesterday, I was giving a good friend some advice on whether or not to buy a computer and said something like ‘You’re always going to need it, so just get it now. At least the money isn’t going towards something horrible like a parking ticket’. THEN, 20 minutes later- I GOT A PARKING TICKET! It felt very unfair, so I
almost cried about it. Shook it off as best I could and THEN, someone contacted me via my instagram and asked to buy one of my images (*pictured above)!! It ended up paying for my parking ticket (and then some). The world works in very mysterious ways. Today, has been up and down as well. Eeeeee. All I can say is, I cannot wait for my honeymoon!
The post Ch-ch-ch-changes. appeared first on The Transcontinental Affair.